
Science says 90% of all undertale fanfiction is sansXreader and that terrifies me please stop this is getting out of control 


I swear to all things holy these freaking Lifeline games (get them on your phone omg omg) are going to be the emotional end of me
          I own them all and can I just say
          P l a y  T h e m 
          Also, in order, cause geez you'd be so confused
          Literally this has nothing to do with wattpad and I'm misusing my status thingy I'm sorry 


I want to share with you a little journey I just had.
          I was scrolling through dumb tumblr posts on Pinterest (yes I know) and I saw this particularly stupid one about a cashier saying "there we goes" 
          So like any sane human being would, I began LAUGHING.
          Like, L A U G H I N G.
          My brother was on the bottom bunk playing Xbox, and I start convulsing, tears rolling down my face, squirming like a fetus trying to hold in my laughter, I mean, my dads sleeping next door and he gets up at like 4 every morning. 
          So, I'm just...imploding, basically, trying to hold this laughter in. 
          I never laugh like this. And never at some lame funny picture. 
          It was nothing new to me, yet for some reason, I just lay here, trying to text my dear friend, Ava, so she can maybe send for help, like moral support, or maybe an exorcist. No big deal. 
          But I can't see what I'm doing, because my freaking eyes are blocked by tears, which makes me laugh harder.
          At this point, my little brother is very concerned. He says, "what's wrong?" And, "Are you okay?" As anyone might, but he makes no move to check on me, though it definitely sounds more like sobbing than laughing.
          I try to tell him, "I am alright dear brother, no need to fret over such a silly matter, I am simply laughing so hard my kidneys are trying to go on vacation to my left nostril."
          But all I could manage, was to wheeze, "w-why-.....I was n-noot...funnyyyy-.....!"
          Understandably I was met with silence (excluding the sound of him slaying his alien foes on the Xbox).
          I think I may have peed a little blood, but it's okay, cause I haven't changed into my pajamas yet anyways and will need to change either way. 
          Thank you for your time, and may this marvelous journey of mine inspire the best out of your life. 
          Stay humble, my little daisies.


Me: "oh man I've got sore muscles"
          Person: "why"
          Me: "I work out."
          Me: "And by that I mean I did part of a yoga dvd. Once. A couple days ago"
          Me: "training for a Titan apocalypse, you know how it is."
          Person: "so you gonna keep doing it?"
          Me: "nah"


I ran into a cupboard door cause I left it open and wasn't paying attention and now I have a welt on my forehead and I feel like a moron #MyLife
          On a side note I got Undertale and can't get past the spider lady cause she's mad I didn't buy a 9999 dollar donut from her spider bake sale 