Another thing before I forget, my works DO NOT support such henious acts. Everything in it is fictional but CONSENTUAL. The word consent is often overlooked by people when in anything you do it is the most important thing. We tell our daughters to not roam around late at night, not to talk to strangers, travel alone, good-touch-bad-touch and whatnot! Why not tell our sons about consent before anything, asking if the girl is comfortable before going forward with anything. Breaks my heart to hear news as such and I can't even imagine her parent's plight. What they must have thought about their daughter's future, what she herself must have thought for her future. Being a doctor is a strenuous job, you've got to handle patients with care without enough sleep in your eyes and the atmosphere in government hospitals is puke-worthy. No doctor's room at all, keeping aside ones for males and females differently, no hygiene and then sometimes they encounter patients who go haywire on them if things don't go their way. Please please please don't commit to monstrosity for moments of pleasure and if you derive pleasure from seeing someone in pain, you are sick go contact a doctor! Thank you for reading this and lets unite together and fight for justice!