
Did you hear about my new book? 'Another Sh!t Year' is out now! It's not close to be complete but I have published some chapters, I hope you enjoy the book!!


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HOLY SHIT!!! OH MY GOODOODODDOODODO!!! I'm so fucking happy, we hit 10k READS!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! Thank you guys so fucking much for all your support I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you guys, thank you thank you thank you!!!


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Hey guyssss, I just wanted to let you know that I will NOT be posting the first chapter of the stranger things novel, yes I know.. But anyways, we. are. 500. away. from. 10k!!! I am so fucking happy you guys have no idea


Hey guys! Yes I know I haven’t posted in a long while, I will try to update more of my stranger things book later today, also thank you guys for 8k on my zodiac book, we’re now 2K away from 10k!!! Thank you guys for letting me entertain you guys on your horoscopes. Thank you have a good day :)


@Malina_random24 congrats bb!! ( and bitch PoSt iT aLrEaDy )