

Okay, so for about one and a half to two weeks I’ve been having some conflicting feelings. I don’t know why this has come to my mind, or why it won’t go away, but I’ve realized, at least think I’ve realized, that I don’t really care for my gender. Like, I don’t mind identifying as a boy or girl or neither. I don’t know why I’m feeling like this, and I don’t know if it’ll change. I’ve done some research and I believe what I’m feeling would be classified as grey apathetic or apagender (please educate me if I’m wrong!). I’ve discussed this with some friends and I’ve asked that I be called Vesper and any pronouns you wish to call me! For the time being I want to try this and see how it makes me feel! I’ve decided to change my username and bio and inform you all! Thank you so much!