
What stories do you guys want updated?????? message me personally or reply to this and I'll try to update that certain story.


@verecundus update ONLY HIS MAID!!! pleaaaasseeee :')


when will you gonna update My sister's boyfriend?? xx


@RAulia thank youu.. i really appreciate it xx


That means a lot. I will try to update. Maybe even tonight. I want to finish my books. I just haven't found time. 


@RAulia i love your story :) i hope you can continue it but i'll always support your decision xx 


thank you so much for reading my story! I adore your username.


@caffeinatedream of course. I'm really fortunate to have found your book. You're an amazing writer and I've fallen completely in love with your book, which is bad because I can't focus on my homework, but you're book is so worth it.


I awoke due to a loud crash, which caused eyes to jostle awake and my senses to become alert. I quickly pushed myself up from my former position. There seemed to be a thick haze in memory. I couldn’t comprehend where I was or how I had ended up there. I peered down my body to find my chest bare, however my lower half covered by my jeans. 
          I pulled the covers up higher, concealing my naked flesh and pushing my tousled hair out of my eyes. I scrutinized my surroundings; soon realizing how useless that was since everything was pitch dark. Soon enough, I remembered the Harry and I falling asleep in his bed after a deep, intimate moment between us. 
          I moved closer to the other side of the bed, his side, and raked my hand over the silky fabric of the sheets to realize he wasn’t there. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and as well as annoyance. “Where the hell are you?” I quietly mumbled as     
          heres a little bit from the new chapter, it's coming please be patience.