OMFG Brendon Urie is one of the best no I withdraw that statement he is the best artist/songwriter and the greatest most awesome band member of Panic!at the Disco which is the all-time greatest band ever and if you don't believe and you haters just "All you sinners stand up sing Hallelujah Hallelujah show praise with ya body stand up sing Hallelujah Hallelujah and if ya can't stop shakin' lean back let it move right through ya move right through ya say your prayers say your prayers say prayers" "And if ya wanna start a fight ya betta throw the first punch make it a good one and if ya wanna make it through the night ya betta say my name like the Good, the Bad, and the Dirty oh ooo woah ooo woah ooo woah oh ooo woah oh oh oh" and @verifiedbeleiver1 you my dear friend have beautiful taste in music and if any yelled you other wise just look at em' and laugh and cause "I've told you time and time again I'm not as think as you drunk I am and we all fell down when the sun came up I think we've had enough alright alright it's a hell of a feeling though it's a hell of a feeling though champagne cocaine gasoline and most things in between I roam this city in a shopping cart a pack of camels and I smoke alarm this night is heating up raise hell and turn it up saying "If you go out you might pass in drain pipe" oh yeah don't threaten me with a good time" because anyone like you and me who listen to bands such as Panic!at the Disco and others like them will always have a good time especially when listening to Panic!at the Disco so if that's so how can someone threaten you with a good time so keep it up
@PatrickWright046 sry meant to say @verifiedbeleiber1 not believer and i just realized i sounded lika a fangirl and that i feel has gone against my manly nature i might have even felt like one just a little bit and it actually wasn't that bad