
You are all valid and I love you. Have a wonderful weekend


@Lizz-Dib And this, kids, is what a good person looks like.


I have STAAR tests and an SAT test thing (I'm not in high-school, it's for some program for 7th graders) so I won't be able to update for a while, but I recently have been having an issue with recurring nightmares so I'll write about that because it can be a one-shot and I thought they made interesting stories. Btw, school ends in 25 days!


I had the ACT tests (5th grade thingy. Starts 3rd to 8th grade) and when they ended I slept for over 24 hours that same weekend 


Im writing about the nightmares as a way of coping so hopefully they go away soon. I'm sleep deprived and stressed.


If anyone has a story of mine that they want me to update, either PM me or post it on my message board and I'll update that story
          P.S- I'm so sorry for not updating over the break! I've been procrastinating, that's why I want y'all to remind me heh.. sorry


I just realized something I did (or rather, didn't do). I should've made a bunch of Halloween specials for my books, but I didn't think of that and so I never got to do that. At least when Christmas comes up I can make Christmas specials. Anyways, I'll update more in Thanksgiving break- which is next week- so happy holidays everyone!