
Hi all -
          	Sorry for the long delays between posting. This story has had some many lives! Even now, it's in the process of a complete overhaul, which will drastically change the final few chapters. However, since many of you have been reading this version, it only seems fair to finish it as is. So please excuse the typos, and hopefully you'll enjoy the wrap up of little Kathlin's story. I'll be posting new stories soon.
          	Best wishes to all of you!


Hi Alicia- so nice to hear from you! I've spent some time trying to figure out what social media sites work for me. I tried an author website which got hacked. I decided to go back to word press and watt pad. Looking forward to reading your stories and moving forward!


Hi Sue, @vermontwriter 
          	  It's nice to see you out and about. I'll have to dig "Summoned" out of my bookshelf. I apologize for the dust. :/
          	  And thanks for the "Songs of the Season" vote. I've been trying out a few new stories as well and that's one the audience seems to be warming to . . . comparatively speaking. I hope you like it. :)
          	  All the best,


Hello Sue~~Came across your profile randomly and like what you're doing with "Summoned". Looking forward to those edits. Switching a bit from your East coast venue you might find it refreshing to jump over the West coast for a setting I frequently use in my books (though I'm now living in Greece). Think you might like this one: "The Greener Field" as it sort of has the modern Gothic elements you are using.


Hi Califia- thanks for the message and the tip! I'll check it out!


Hi all -
          Sorry for the long delays between posting. This story has had some many lives! Even now, it's in the process of a complete overhaul, which will drastically change the final few chapters. However, since many of you have been reading this version, it only seems fair to finish it as is. So please excuse the typos, and hopefully you'll enjoy the wrap up of little Kathlin's story. I'll be posting new stories soon.
          Best wishes to all of you!


Hi Alicia- so nice to hear from you! I've spent some time trying to figure out what social media sites work for me. I tried an author website which got hacked. I decided to go back to word press and watt pad. Looking forward to reading your stories and moving forward!


Hi Sue, @vermontwriter 
            It's nice to see you out and about. I'll have to dig "Summoned" out of my bookshelf. I apologize for the dust. :/
            And thanks for the "Songs of the Season" vote. I've been trying out a few new stories as well and that's one the audience seems to be warming to . . . comparatively speaking. I hope you like it. :)
            All the best,


Hi all!
          Just a quick note - I've not been updating on Wattpad much lately... and for a good reason. Fairless is undergoing extensive revisions and will be submitted to an editor at Entangled Published as soon as it's done. So, the story is on hold for now. Sorry!
          I'll update the Summoned story as soon as my wonky labtop allows, but please know that will also be undergoing revisions.
          thanks for all the reads and comments. You guys rock!