
Hello to all my followers! I just uploaded a new book titled "Countdown 11-11." It's mystery/suspense/romance all in one. Hope you enjoy it.


Hi Verna 
          Thk u for the kiss series which I absolutely loved reading. The age gap resonates with me and my husband so was closer to home than just reading of it. I wish the rest wer available to Wattpad readers, wud be a real treat to continue to read about the other characters in these stories.
          Well done on such beautiful writing and stories ❣️


@Ash_1707 Thank you for your uplifting words! I have many books and they can be found at Amazon, GooglePlay, Barnes & Noble, and other online retailers. Most of the series books are also in collections at huge markdown prices. Regarding the age gap between some of my characters, I love it! Makes a story interesting and invites unique challenges for them to overcome.


Hi...I'm new to your books but so far I love the shapelling trilogy.. but I can't seem to find the other two books. I would love to read them too.


@oneandonly_mmukei The two other ebooks in the trilogy can be found at Amazon, Google, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and other online retailers. There is also an ebook collection of all three books at Amazon for a much reduced price. The books are also available in paperback. Thank you for your comment! I love hearing from readers, especially when they enjoy one of my books. A lot of research to meld reality and fantasy went into creating these stories and I loved every minute of it.


I have been reading your stories since my daughter shared them two days ago, however; I can't find rockstar, forever, forgotten, Angel & The Last Kiss???  I can't wait to read them Please get back to me ASAP.  Thank You!❤


@mariemehlberger THANK YOU, so much. Would love to hear your comment after you've finished reading.


@mariemehlberger Thank you bought them just now!


@mariemehlberger Thank you for your lovely comment! The last five books can be found at Amazon, Google Play, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Smashwords. FYI: There is a collection of the last five books available at Amazon at a significant savings.