
It's been over a year since I last logged onto this site. However, I've decided as of right now that this summer I will work on my writing. Even if I can't force myself to churn out something decent, I'll more than likely end up editing the living crap out of my already completed works (i.e. The Escort and Follow the Arrow).


It's been over a year since I last logged onto this site. However, I've decided as of right now that this summer I will work on my writing. Even if I can't force myself to churn out something decent, I'll more than likely end up editing the living crap out of my already completed works (i.e. The Escort and Follow the Arrow).


kay I'm speechless! Amazing story...well written...great characters....oh my gosh it was simply perfect!!:)
          When reading the epilogue I was so confused at very. And I want crying yet till Dell said "You said you would die before our daughter went into the games and that exactly what you did." Then I lost all sanity! I cried...cried...and cried!! I dont know what I did to stop but I eventually did...and then I just had to comment! This story is amazing and I certainly hope it gets published one day! 
          XoxoxoX~ Kaysha