
Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been MIA for so long! Life happened and I miss Wattpad so much! I’ve been reading a new story called The Nerd Who Bit Back by @aonightengale. You guys should check it out! And I promise to start uploading new stories and updating the old ones! Thanks for being patient with me! Xoxo


Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been MIA for so long! Life happened and I miss Wattpad so much! I’ve been reading a new story called The Nerd Who Bit Back by @aonightengale. You guys should check it out! And I promise to start uploading new stories and updating the old ones! Thanks for being patient with me! Xoxo


Available now! @missyola97 has finally uploaded the 2nd chapter to The Third Deadly Sin! This is a book that you don't want to miss out on and will leave you on the edge of your seats! Check it out now!! Don't forget to follow her on all social media websites and follow her Wattpad page as well! Let her know that I sent you guys lol! Byeeee


Hi followers! Can everyone do me the hugest favor in the world can go check out my girl @missyola97! She and I are collaborating on a story that I'm sure you guys will love! It's dark, sultry, and sexy. The first chapter is coming out soon and I will notify you when she has it up on her page! Thanks! Love you all