Seeing that people are getting the same blood clot (in their brain) from the vaccine is really upsetting. Don’t get me wrong i’m not against the vaccine, it’s 100% your choice to get it and you should do what’s best for your health. What’s upsetting me is how they are turning into what I almost was; a statistic.
These are real life people who now will live their life disabled with brain injuries and a whole slew of struggles followed by never ending pain. I’ve seen so many people online make insensitive comments like “blood clots aren’t serious, you get over them easily”. No, you rarely do.
Others make tweets like “if you live in a country where mass shootings happen you don’t need to worry about the blood clotting in the J&J vaccine” yes, shootings are highly traumatic. but in that same sense I’ve literally been diagnosed with a form of PTSD by a psychiatrist because it’s so difficult to cope with. The traumas are not comparable and trying to belittle someone for can sometimes prove you to be ableist or just straight up insensitive.
I cant post this where people actually know who I am, but you guys know my disability and know that this is hitting me hard. All i’m asking is that if you guys want the vaccine then watch for the symptoms of a blood clot, please. they can be a major headache, easy bruising, vomiting, ect. And if you guys don’t take the vaccine I ask that you guys don’t belittle the people who have gotten blood clots from it, they’re going through enough as it is.