
as a thank you gift for getting the fault in our Shrek to 50k reads, I’ve posted the first chapter to the sequel called “After Shrek”. I honestly wrote the first chapter in 2 minutes and it won’t be as funny as the first book but I promised a sequel years ago so enjoy :) 


as a thank you gift for getting the fault in our Shrek to 50k reads, I’ve posted the first chapter to the sequel called “After Shrek”. I honestly wrote the first chapter in 2 minutes and it won’t be as funny as the first book but I promised a sequel years ago so enjoy :) 


I’d love to make a sequel to the fault in our shrek as the ending is very... depressing. the only problem is I made tfios when I was 16 and although that was only 3 years ago my humour has changed so much since then but I promised a sequel years ago so I’m definitely going to do it at some point :) thanks for all the support on this .. weird (an understatement) book but all your votes and hilarious comments make me so happy you wouldn’t believe so thank you x 


@verybusted it needs no more work. It was five chapters of excellent none sense


❤️✨2020 is ending. Post this on those profiles who made your 2020
          extra special✨❤️


ahhh I’m so sorry I didn’t see this til now but thank you so much that’s so sweet 