
Do you guys just cry when listening to a song? I cry when I listen to Perfect by Ed Sheran and i still don’t know why but tears just come out 


          	  That's a great song ^-^


Who are the 18 friends you can't live without? Message to only those 18, just like I did. Let's see how many messages you get! Start sending - be honest! Only 18! I value you - a tight hug for you in advance... tomorrow is World Friends Hug Day!!! Forward this to special friends. (Even me if you think I'm one) You are seriously loved if you get 5  back. ❤️✨


Hello you beautiful person! I was dragged into a positivity chain and I’m dragging you with me!! 
          You have to post three things you like about yourself on your board then go to 10 other boards and drag them into this!! XD
          I like how I love writing and am good at it!
          I like how I can bring people up and make them laugh!
          I like how I always want to do the right thing!
          Remember, 10 people! Have fun!!!!