I know it's been a long time since I have been on here. A lot has happened these past few years and I honestly could not get in the right head space to write. I recently started on a story and just posted the chapter on here called "For you". If you find it interesting, let me know and I will continue posting on here. I also wanted to thank anyone who has been reading my 2 completed stories on here. I am NOT a professional writer (clearly) but I love reading and creating small worlds. I hope anyone who reads this is doing well :)
Kiss with a fist was refreshing, Alex's strong, calm and funny character drew me in,, Ameliaa sarcasm is hilarious. I really enjoy reading this. It is different to my usual reads..
Your book ‘kiss with a fist’ is amazing but I really think so that you should fix it a bit cause it’s really stretched and it loses it flow in the middle. I really wanted to give you my advice because I really love the book .