
Hey everyone! If you enjoy all the stories about shu go follow the original author! She has her own Wattpad now! Same name she uses on Tumblr Diabolik shu lover!


To those who are curious as to the king shu headcannon recently the original author (not me) was asked if she lost insparation and it just not enough time, in response to the question she said " Bit of both. Inspiration, time. I’d honestly love to continue it, I hope to start soon! It’s not completely out the window! "
          I do hope that this helps all of those who are curious about the king shu story. 
          Have a wonderful day!
          View the author over on Tumblr! https://diabolik-shu-lover.tumblr.com


Okay so if you enjoy reading shu headcannons please remember that they are not my work and that I do have permission to post them here.  and also I want to thank you all for following me and note that the author posts when she feels like it. 
          Want to know where to find the author? Check her out on Tumblr search Diabolicshulover 


Alright I'm doing something new. I have ideas in order for a story but I don't know how to write it. I want to do a collaborative story it's miraculous lady bug only in a different world. Please reply if you would be willing to help me out. I have stuff written down already.