
          	How are you? Hope you are all safe and well! Sorry for my radio silence, but work and my personal life has been crazy.
          	When I first started my story, I was in a slump. I was a few months into the "Shelter-In-Place" mandate with nowhere to go. I worked from home, saw the same people, and went to the same rooms in my house - life was pretty boring and repetitive. And I was entering a quarter-life crisis. I had so many feelings and emotions that I had to worked through. Writing and creating this story helped get me out of the funk.
          	Reading and writing was and still is my escape, but it has definitely diminished since the start of the pandemic.
          	My personal life is taking off, all while trying to improve my professional life. I've been given more responsibilities at work and further my career. I love my job, my friends, and recently, you - my audience, my readers.
          	I never could have imagined my story being so well-received by so many of you across the globe. Thanks to each of you, I was able to get out of my slump and out of my quarter-life crisis. I love reading all your comments, your ideas, and your opinions about my story.
          	I hope you continue to share your feedback, humor, and love when I'm back. Writing a story is a huge time commitment and I did not realize the magnitude of it as a first-time writer. I don't know when the next chapter will be out and I'm sorry.
          	To all my dedicated readers and fans - I'm sorry. Sorry for all the broken promises. Sorry for all the false hope.
          	I hope to finish the story, but I just don't know when. I want to be transparent because you also put time and effort into reading my story.
          	I encourage all of you to write your own can do it. I'm not a professional writer or even a blogger. I'm just a girl with a laptop who is working through some things in her life on an incredible platform.
          	Please bear with me as I go through more life-changing experiences.
          	From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


@viaolivia1 Are you going to update your story again?


@viaolivia1 I understand we're all the same going through alot of changes in our life, reading is also my way of escaping the reality. Well i hope to here from you soon and the book!
          	  From one of your dedicated reader 


Do you think you will ever finish this story? It's too good not to finish let alone you could actually get it published. Not sure if you ever thought of that idea. I sure hope you decide to finish it because it's a great read.


Hey guys come check out my book it's the first book I ever written so for anyone who like this kind of stories you can read it and pls comment your thoughts about it I really want to improve my writing skills 
          If you don't want to read it it's fine