my favorite people in alphabetical order<333
a-aahh jeonghan
b- basically jeonghan G-clearly it's jeonghan
d- definitely jeonghan
e- everyone, it's jeonghan
f-forever jeonghan
g-gosh idk, jeonghan
h-how can it not be jeonghan
i-i love jeonghan
j-jeonghan 333
k-k, but it's jeonghan
L- literally jeonghan
m- mi amor jeonghan
n- no one other than jeonghan
o- of course jeonghan p-pretty sure jeonghan qquite literally jeonghan
p-pretty sure jeonghan
q- quite literally jeonghan
r-really it's jeonghan
t-tbh it's jeonghan
u-u know that it's jeonghan
V-very much jeonghan
w-will always be jeonghan
x-xoxo jeonghan
y-yoon jeonghan
z-z jeonghan