
So good person from the internet, I have a question.
          Why did you follow my profile?
          I am honestly curious.
          I'm more used to getting hate on social media platforms 
          since I tend to question the popular narrative.
          So let's just say that twitter does not like me.
          Which is why this is so strange to me.
          So if you have a minute, please tell me why you followed me.


Well, that is honestly heartwarming to hear.
            Also, don't worry about it, I was really just wondering.
            Thanks for explaining, So then, have a good day.
            Once life gets less crazy, I will hopefully get back to brining you 
            and others a bit of modest amusement.


@Hayden_Carn Oh shitz, I've did not see this until today...
            I apologize for not seeing this sooner!! 
            But the reason as to why I followed you was because I remember reading a fic and seeing you in there. Your replies were hilarious and I loved each and every one of them! I found them pretty funny. So I followed you because you're a funny fellow and cuz I can. So yeah, pretty much. 