
For any Daffodils only bloom in spring readers, is there anything you'd particularly like to see in the next chapter? Any specific characters or relationships (romantic or platonic)? I'm kind of struggling and it's also always nice to hear feedback and suggestions. 
          	If there's anything in particular for the future as well, feel free to let me know too!!
          	Thank you so much in advance!! I hope you're all doing well and taking care of yourselves!! ♥️


@_krissswu i was talking about my current book but if you want a jungkook or jin x reader in the future I'll keep that in mind 


@vic_tor_iaxx will it be jungkook Or jinX reader?


Hey not sure if you're still on this account (should've asked sooner) but I actually posted the book review I was supposed to give you 2 years ago. I'm super sorry for the delay btw. Anyways, have a great day.


@excellingfetus nooo please don't apologise!!! Thank you so much for writing it, all your feedback means so much!! Please take care of yourself and have a great day!! ♥️


For any Daffodils only bloom in spring readers, is there anything you'd particularly like to see in the next chapter? Any specific characters or relationships (romantic or platonic)? I'm kind of struggling and it's also always nice to hear feedback and suggestions. 
          If there's anything in particular for the future as well, feel free to let me know too!!
          Thank you so much in advance!! I hope you're all doing well and taking care of yourselves!! ♥️


@_krissswu i was talking about my current book but if you want a jungkook or jin x reader in the future I'll keep that in mind 


@vic_tor_iaxx will it be jungkook Or jinX reader?


Heyy how are you doing?!


@_krissswu I'm glad to hear that!! Thank you!! ♥️


@_krissswu ofc I want to!!
            It is going very well ☺️
            Just keep going you'll get what you want!
            I'm also doing fine 


@_krissswu I'm doing okay. How are you doing?? Thank you so much for voting on my book! I can't believe you still want to read it! 


Hi guys! 
          I know I'm no where near finished DOBIS, but if I were to publish another fic and it was a member x original character, which member would you most like it to be? I kind of have an idea for something that will probably turn out to be a short story and I don't know why but I really want to write it even though I can already see it flopping. 
          I already have a member in mind cause this idea is based off of my first fic ever. I didn't get past four chapters and I deleted it, but it was my first and a close friend helped me with it so it's still quite close to my heart. I don't think any of my current readers were around to read that but if you were, I apologise from the bottom of my heart. It was truly horrible. So I'll use that member if I don't get replies, but I'd really like to hear from whoever is reading this. I probably won't publish this fic for a while but this idea won't leave me alone so yh.
          About DOBIS, I'm actually working on the next chapter cause I feel oddly motivated. But yh I'd say I've written around half of the new chapter so I'm excited to publish that. 
          Anyway, thank you for any answers. How have you guys been? 


@_krissswu wow you replied!! Thank you so much!!! You stay healthy and safe too! Have a good day ♥️♥️


@vic_tor_iaxx it's okayy take your time ❤️
            Please make it a jin book . Stay safe and healthy


omg v,, its been so long. how have u been <3


@vic_tor_iaxx thank you!! you too :))


@shortiedreams noo!! Please don't apologise!!! I'm sure you will!! Hard work pays off! Good luck with that and please remember not to over work yourself!! ❤️


hii are you going to finish your book?


@tkrgay you're so nice, thank you so much! I'm glad you like it! I'll try my best to get an update out as soon as possible! Thank you once again!


hey its fine no pressure ! your writing is honestly really good and your welcome! i really like the plot. take care as well ! 


@tkrgay hii! First of all thank you so much for adding my book to your reading list. I honestly don't deserve it, the book's really bad. In terms of finishing the book, yes I do plan on doing so. HOWEVER, it takes me literal months to get updates out which I wish wasn't the case but its the truth. So if you don't like getting attached to books that aren't updated often then I wouldn't recommend reading this book. I'm sorry!!! I hope you have a good day/night and a great rest of the week! Take care