Hiii :) Maybe it's a little direct but i read a comment where you wrote about being asexual. I'm currently struggling with my sexuality (1½yrs ago I saw a really beautiful girl and thought I was maybe bi. ½ year ago I had a situationship with a boy but it really didn't work out. Since that I'm thinking about being asexual but I'm really not sure). As I said, maybe it's too direct and personal but I thought maybe you could tell me a little about your journey to realize you're asexual? I would totally understand if you don't want to, I just wanted to ask :))

@jojohannes09 Hi :) wir können natürlich gerne drüber reden, schreib mir einfach mal ne direkte Nachricht:)

@ jojohannes09 hahah mir ist eben aufgefallen, dass ich auch hätte auf deutsch schreiben können upsi Dann hätte ich mir nicht so viele Gedanken um meine grammatik machen müssen xdd