
                 cooler than your pops  ,     that’s for sure.      *     under the darkening sky robert laughs  ,     smacking the side of his red pickup with a cool  ,     earnest grin.     he doesn’t smile like that often    —      but when he does  ,     it’s usually for the purpose of mischief.    though then again   ;      when    /   isn’t  /     robert ready to cause a ` lil trouble      ?     *      get in   ,     kid     —     let’s head out while the sky’s still    ,,     /   somewhat   /    bright.     &    check in the compartment thing     ,,     i’m sure there’s a spiffy cutter for you ` ta grab.


                oh     ?      so you think you’ve got what it takes  ,    huh     ?      to hunt down a cryptid     ?      well     —     let me tell you kid    ,,     you’re dad wouldn’t really     /     appreciate    /      me sneaking you out so late  ,   so    ..     *     onyx hues flash almost childishly  ,      as his tired gaze snaps open with life    ,,     or perhaps  ,     even enthusiasm.     *     hell yeah.     d’ya got your own knife     ?     actually  ,    no     —     don’t answer that.     i’m sure i can find you a spare     —