Asher cheats on Holland?! Maybe I’m glad you didn’t finish updating it on here or Radish because I would be pretty disappointed in that turn of events! He was right by Holland’s side and being loyal and loving while she was being a bitch throughout the beginning of their affair and subsequent pregnancy with their baby and now that Holland is obsessed with him and goes racing into the hospital raving about her love for him and defending him, you would have it that he was cheating on her the whole time? Seems out of character! Maybe I’ll just imagine it differently in my head and not keep searching for the completed version. I have enough tragedy in my life and had really hoped for good things ahead for them as a couple. TBH, I’m not even a fan of Asher being in a car accident! I bet opinions like mine are probs why you don’t keep writing or putting your stories out there - sorry ! I am just tired of my life being hard and want to escape into a world of thoughtful, caring men, like how Asher was in the first book! Anyway! Thanks for the first story - I did love that one! Hope you are well and not too discouraged about writing!