
Hey guys, I just uploaded and more to come. I just wanted to get this out of the way, I HATE THE FACT THAT I'M ROMANTICISIZING RAPE OR STOCKHOLM SYNDROME! At this point, I don't know if I should go with the story or not. But what I can tell you in the future is that the story won't go as the way everything's planned which may even make some of yall pretty happy. It may and it may not, it depends on how yall take it. Right now I'm trying to build a certain character development for Luciano and Arianna, as well as add in some of their thoughts about each other. Again, I hate romanticising this stuff. BUT, pleeease, just see where this story progresses. If you're not happy with it, it's okay to drop the story.


Hey guys, I just uploaded and more to come. I just wanted to get this out of the way, I HATE THE FACT THAT I'M ROMANTICISIZING RAPE OR STOCKHOLM SYNDROME! At this point, I don't know if I should go with the story or not. But what I can tell you in the future is that the story won't go as the way everything's planned which may even make some of yall pretty happy. It may and it may not, it depends on how yall take it. Right now I'm trying to build a certain character development for Luciano and Arianna, as well as add in some of their thoughts about each other. Again, I hate romanticising this stuff. BUT, pleeease, just see where this story progresses. If you're not happy with it, it's okay to drop the story.


HI GUYS!!! It's been sooooooo long since I've been on here. The reason why I haven't been able to update is due to a problem on my Wattpad account as I was unable to gain access to it. That's the bad news. The goods news is that Lethal Romance is going to be back on track in a matter of a week. So, all of you lovely reader will be expected 2 or 3 chapters in a week to in which is my way of making it up for you all! THANK YOU


@MagicIsInReading Hey there, chapter thirty has already been uploaded. I check the uploads for Lethal Romance and it's there. If you're having any troubles. maybe refresh your feed in your library and if that doesn't work out, get in touch with the Wattpad team!


Do you have a second account your posting on? Because I haven’t seen chapter 30 like you said you will be updating 


Hey guys! I know it's been like forever since I've updated 'Lethal Romance', and there's a reason for that. Ever since the coronavirus breakout down here in Australia, life for me has been tough. I know it's not fair for all you readers who enjoyed reading my book, but please, my personal life is very important to me. Yes I'm not updating 'Lethal Romance', but I am reading and responding to all thoughts and comments made about the book. I just want to update 'Lethal Romance' when the ups and downs in my personal life are steady, at this current moment when there's a coronavirus outbreak, unfortuently it's not steady as I planned. Thank you!


Hey guys, Chapter Thirty of 'Lethal Romance' is currently on hold as this week I'll be studying for my exams. I know this is an inconvenience, and yes I could have uploaded the chapter earlier, but I felt like the chapter needed something more. This doesn't mean 'Lethal Romance' is fully on hold, it means that because I have an exam, that exam is my first priority, and I wouldn't want any distractions getting to me. THANK YOU!


May you success with your study. Cannot wait for the next chapter! 


Hey guys, just letting you known 'Lethal Romance' is now being published back on track. Chapter twenty three will be published just shortly. Sorry I haven't been active lately due to the Coronavirus Crisis. But now since we've been told to work from home, I have now considered to fully put my attention towards Wattpad.