
⠀           ST.   GERMAINS   ORPHANAGE ⠀⠀
          	          (   ♱   )                              VERSE   ONE. 


i think im..  sick today?    chris said i could stay here.


@vilearc        no,  i don’t think so.   you could just..  close the door when you go.


@tempurge       /       sure thing,  teej.       need anything before i leave? 


@vilearc        looks can be deceiving,  i guess.  i don’t really..  feel fine.   but,  thanks.


i..  i don't need help.  i'm fine,  just—  go.  please.


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@viperhit       /       my minds made up.     i’m just gonna have a talk with them.     —you look like you’re gonna throw up,  they’re not getting off the hook that easy.     fuck /no/. 


logan — dude — i swear. .   just stop worrying about it,  /please/.  i want to go home and forget this ever happened,  that’s all i want right now.   . . alright?


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@viperhit        /       i can,    and i’m going to.       chill out—     okay?      trust me,  there’s not gonna be anymore fucking problems after this.       i’ll make sure of it. 


hey,  it’s just me!     it’s just me!    ..put the fists of fury away    :/


@vilearc       age doesn’t matter,   logan..     i really like having you around.    id like it if you stayed around.


to idiots*    kms 


 ׅ  ⠀​†     @tempurge         that only goes if i say it.  i’m older,  and i don’t listen go idiots like you. 


i didn’t think anyone was around right now
          / you know!


⠀​†      @tempurge            (    this is what he should have expected.       from the beginning,   all he had done was give tj a hard time.    something such as the events that followed,   he should have seen coming for a long time.    he knew he was to blame.   and he was used to that,  being at fault for things..  according to his anger,   inability to get along with others,  and the list goes on.    out of it all,  this may be the only time he’s swallowed the pill of regret and guilt on the matter.   st. germains wasn’t the easiest place to live.   everyone at each others throats,   always arguing,  so different from one another.    but in some sense,  it was still home..  and tj had became part of that home from the moment he stepped foot in the building and began occupying the bed right by logan’s.   whilst he spent all his time denying it,  and refusing to accept it for the simple fact of his cold personality..    deep down,  he couldn’t deny it.    tj did belong here.   even if it meant putting up with his bubbly personality,   how over friendly he was.   but it didn’t separate him from the dysfunctional family that had been built within the walls of st. germains.   )      well,  you made the team,   didn’t you?   there’s..  potential.  i guess.   if you tell anyone this,  i’m gonna beat your brains out—   but..   i’d much rather you were here,  rather than with your dad.   or waltzing the streets. 


   ⠀ ♱͟    ֵ  ⠀⠀ @vilearc         (  the words sounded almost foreign,    coming out of the elder boy’s mouth.    he couldn’t [really] have thought that,    had believed it..     that tj belonged here.      in fact,    logan was one of the many people the younger was so eager to please,    in his decision to take off in the middle of the night.     he thought things would be easier,     anyone who was ever doomed to put up with him,    would finally have the responsibility lifted from their shoulders.     everything would be so much easier without him,     he was so certain of it.     and yet here they were,    with logan,   the last person he could’ve expected,     urging that tj belonged here.    he shook his head,     finally pulling away from focus on the ground,     darkened blue hues snapping to face the proctor boy,    a definitive contrast to his usual bright  )      i don’t belong here,   either..     nobody even [wants] me here,    [you] don’t want me here.    i don’t even belong on the stupid hockey team.    .. i don’t think i belong anywhere.


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⠀​†     @tempurge          wouldn’t be the first time you didn’t know something..       you have a tendency of being an idiot.      (     he was quick to fall silent after that,    awaiting the blondes response.     and when it finally came,   it was even harder to bite the rage almost slipping from his tongue.   he had heard of tj’s father,  certain things.   enough to ensure that logan hated him from the first time he had heard of him.   and the proctor boy hated a lot of people,    almost everyone.   there was something so genuine about the dislike he had for his younger brothers father.     and there was only more fuelling that,  upon seeing the injuries inflicted upon the boys skin.   it makes logan silently wish he had done more to find tj.  and curse himself for what he hadn’t done.   maybe if he stayed up,  he would have caught tj before he left.   if he held his anger back like he was now..     maybe it wouldn’t have happened at all.   )      your dad is an asshole.    why would you go to him?    you don’t belong there.     you don’t belong anywhere but here. 


sleeping beauty   :)     you’re alive 


malnourished ..?      that’s    not what i was expecting      at all    where would they even get that from?       ׅ  ⠀​†​    @propucks 


@vilearc          the doctors said you were..     malnourished      you know,     when you don’t eat and stuff?     


uh ..    not really        just wasn’t feeling good,  i guess     and here we are     ׅ  ⠀​†​   @propucks 


okay..      logan,     can we (please) change the song now?


@vilearc          you’re in the mood to play it back to back?    you could put on..     same person,    different song maybe?


you kind of did      .. my apologies,  im in the mood for this song today    but whatever         what do you want me to put on,  then?      ⟊   ׅ       @topucks 


@vilearc        i never said (that) ..      im just saying,     the song’s been the exact same for a while now     you don’t wanna hear something else?


i ..    do (not) want to go to practice today 


oh yeah ..     total academic weapon      let’s hope you don’t miss too much of your education,  nerd        you might just end up having a fit       (    upon his joke,  a smile pulls at his features    his position would shift slightly      for malcom’s comfort and his own      he’d much rather be sat like this,  anyways      almost immediately,  fingers would instinctively move to gently comb through his boyfriends hair          out of habit,  if anything   )       it’s nothing to appreciate       this is actually ..       kind of relaxing       i’ll take any chance i can get to spend time with you       even like this         we probably won’t miss much at practice       nothing we don’t already know      so it’s not a big deal,  and you said it yourself        this is definitely going to prevent some stress        and a lot of headaches with that stupid whistle       / /    @topucks 


i am not that stubborn..    it’s not my fault im a natural born scholar,    and it’s beneath me to miss out on being the academic weapon i am    @vilearc    [ he was rolling his eyes then,    stretching himself out on the porcelain floor,     head settling itself neatly on his boyfriend’s lap,     body turned onto his back  ]     all jokes aside ..     i really appreciate you doing this     not many people would offer to sit and chat on the bathroom floor with me     even if it was your idea     and offering to skip practice with me,     even though you probably wanted to skip anyway      it’s gonna be nice to just have ..      the two of us hanging out,     without the guys fighting,     coach yelling,     and sloane’s god awful side coaching with that stupid whistle 


you know i don’t mind listening ..      i’d rather know than be in the dark       i’m not pushing you ..       but i do wanna try and help,  however you’ll need me to        the team might totally suck without the two of us there        but that’s a them problem  :)        not an us problem      yeah,   i probably should have picked a better spot to ditch         it’s not so bad if you forget you’re in the bathroom       not breathing through your nose helps,  too          it’s a date day then         thank god ..       i’ve wanted you to ditch with me forever       i don’t think you realise how stubborn you are sometimes      / /       @topucks 


(ow) ..      don’t yell it hurts       is it over?


it doesn’t       i swear,  i’m all good      yeah ..       its bleeding      come on      lets head to the bathroom and get cleaned up       .. coach is outside waiting      he’s not gonna be happy when he sees us       so —     prepare yourself for that ..       / /       @dazepuck 


you look..    it looks like it hurts,   logan    ( @vilearc )     my nose,   maybe..     i haven’t had the chance to see it,    obviously      but,   i can pretty much get the gist it’s bleeding a lot     isn’t it


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i’m okay ..     nothing serious enough to actually hurt me     more worried about you,  actually        fucking assholes ..       what about you,  jor?       nothings broken,    right?      / /      @dazepuck 