
yo if anyone wants to read my Black Butler fic you can find it  on my AO3 under the same name (vilemint) I'm about to hit 10k readers over there, and I just realized I had forgotten all aobuit quotev too so I uploaded onto there as well (I forgot about quotev lmao)


Yo I am in love with your Yami fic and I’m dying for an update. Is it a dead storyline? I understand I have the same struggles -.- I would love to connect with you about possibly updating and maybe cowriting if you’re interested. If not I totally understand it’s just such a good story I can’t help but ask!! Keep up the amazing work ❤️❤️ 


yo if anyone wants to read my Black Butler fic you can find it  on my AO3 under the same name (vilemint) I'm about to hit 10k readers over there, and I just realized I had forgotten all aobuit quotev too so I uploaded onto there as well (I forgot about quotev lmao)


Hello everyone.
          I'm just gonna make this short and simple.
          Next week, April 29th, 2022, I am putting my last living childhood dog down that day. I'll do my best to get Ch 14 out before then, but please understand that updates might be slow afterwards.
          Thank you.


Hey guys!
          Great news!! Ch 13 is almost done being typed!! It will be out before the end of the week :) 
          I'm sorry it's taking a while, I've been back at my job for a while now trying to work back the lost hours and it's been draining my energy to do stuff when I get home. Thank you for waiting so patiently and understanding :))


Hey guys! Just a little update for y'all;
          I have started typing chapter 13 of the fic but since I've been cleared to go back tow ork I've been trying to make up the hours I lost from my surgery, while also working on a Yami cosplay for an upcoming con in my town! 
          And a chainsaw man one too..
          But anyway!
          I'm trying to finish it up for you all to read, but as I said last time it's taking a while cause of a fight scene, Andi found out that I hate writing fight scenes.
          So, bare with me!


Wonderful news everyone! 
          Turns out I had an abscess in the surgery spot on one of my wisdom teeth, I'm on heavy antibiotics for it now and I can FINALLY say that I've finished Ch 13 0∆0 
          Turns out as I said I hate fight scenes, I've written a 25 page chapter of just a fight for 1 chapter and I don't know how to feel about it. I lost interest halfway through but put some more things in it after a few days and then finished it finally, Ch 14 is now being written!