!ANNOUNCEMENT! I've just scheduled chapters 1 and 2 of Take Me to Wonderland to go live at 8 PM GMT+1 — in a little over an hour. I am so incredibly excited for you all to read the revised version, and I can't wait to hear what you all think. Thank you for your patience while I worked on this rewrite! x villainfuckery
@ThatGirl_1001 a chapter every month just like before — i decided to kick things off with a double-feature, though — i have about ten or so written at the moment so the slow roll out will hopefully give me some time to get Take Me Down the Rabbit Hole wrapped up before Take Me to Wonderland will end up with a massive amount of plotholes that I would have to go and fix! but perhaps this time next year i will be back to weekly updates… who knows (not me)
@villainfuckery is Take Me to Wonderland being updated chapter by chapter or being released all at one time?