
wondering how's everyone sjsj i hope u guys r doing well <3  and ngl missing all of u too (':


;; sorry i dont use social media tht much fr <4  but if u wanna simply talk perhaps my insta ? @/k0mari_


@villainmess i requested to follow! (my @ is min.ariii__


;; okay idk how to start but let me just say whatever comes thru my mind rn. ive started krp since 2019 , june till now. and im legally adult in a year. i think I've spent a lot of my free time with krp and honestly it was quite a journey. i made a lot of friends , doesnt matter with ur oc or ooc. i truely adore the time we've been together ! i also learnt a lot thru rp , ngl my English kinda improve too haha.
          thank you for all the memories sweethearts. dont worry , all of u wont be forgotten easily. not when ive knew you since the start of my krp or have been there for me and my ocs thru hard times. i just think it's time for me to go and live my real life to the fullest. 
          im sorry if you got too attached to my ocs or they have been the source of your happiness even a little. thank you for choosing them , thank you for being their friends , thank you for sharing some love with them , thank you for treating them with kindness and thank you for everything. enzo/elora has a part of me so i feel what they feel after awhile rplaying. thank you for roleplaying with them too <3
          have a good new year everyone <3 especially leilei , ellie's admin , minnie's admin & mira's admin.


; ill miss u and zozo sm )): <3 ty for being so amazing and special , always


@Arttpics ;; thank youu <3  take care too !!


;; also audrey's admin !!