Hi! I kept trying to find your other account and finally realized you switched to this one, lol. I'm really excited to read anything new you have coming out!
@neighborhoodies kskssj did i really? im impressed w past-me for that and im honestly honoured that you reached out :) tysm yeah exactly!! it makes me so nostalgic to the times i had here and all the people/stories i read im excited to read what you’re focusing on next!!
I feel old too! It makes me sad aha. I'm good! excited to be writing again :) And you tagged it as your location lol. it took me some digging lol
@neighborhoodies wow hi!! its been a while! sorry it took me so long to get back to u, i havent been on wattpad for a hot sec (its ALL changed i feel old). how are u? also, im honestly super impressed that u managed to find my new account i dont think i even announced it on my last one