/ im gonna let my autism win chat my little rant of all the attributes that r different between regular mark and 646 — 646’s eyes are a lighter brown and he has a lot of faint scars on his face ( mainly from heroes who fought against him ) — their overall body types are pretty similar, 646 is probably a bit more skinny from constantly flying and fighting — me thinks 646 likely resisted his dad at first and caved when they fought , i perceive him as more of a coward but he does ‘learn’ to enjoy killing — 646 has more prominent eye bags bc controlling 7 billion humans is a lot of work <3

— 646 makes more jokes and comments at other people’s expense and horror, he acts more laid back because he knows how much it terrifies people — if he finds a human he likes he will try to preserve their life , however he’s very selective and it’s usually people he has a romantic interest in, companionship is much more complicated for 646