
13 Reasons why fanfiction was completed. Check it out and comment your views.


One thing I really didn’t like about Elijah and Cassie’s relationship was how he reacted when Cassie sided with Klaus. It was obvious Klaus’s side was going to win, but Elijah took it so personally—like she had completely betrayed him and broken his trust. I get that he had the right to be upset, but not that upset, because honestly, that was pure hypocrisy.
          Elijah has betrayed Cassie’s trust so many times, abandoned her repeatedly, and yet every single time, she forgave him. But when it was the other way around, he couldn’t do the same? Instead, he broke up with her, which led to her sleeping with Joe, and from there, everything just spiraled. But honestly, Elijah had no right to be that mad at her when he himself was so flawed. That part really frustrated me.
          And I absolutely hated seeing Cassie cry. From the very beginning, it felt like everyone was just using her for her powers—even Elijah. At the end of the day, if he had to choose, he would always pick his family—the Mikaelsons, Klaus, Hope, Hayley—over Cassie, every single time. Everyone else was a priority, but not her. And yet, they all expected her to be endlessly forgiving and supportive. That part just didn’t sit right with me.


I saw that you started this book in August 2024, and you've already written over 158 chapters—that’s true dedication! Hats off to you, seriously. The consistency you've maintained, the regular updates—everything is just wow. I have no words. You’re amazing!
          The storyline is incredible, no doubt about that. But what really stands out is your dedication. So many people give up midway or rush the ending with drastic changes or unsatisfying conclusions. But you? You’ve kept the momentum going, and it shows throughout the book.
          You have to continue this book, and you have to keep writing in the future—please don’t stop! The effort, the passion, the consistency since August—it's truly inspiring. I’m not saying you should stop, but I’ve been there. I started writing my own book, and I lost interest in less than a month. I’m still stuck on the fifth chapter, and it’s just sitting there, incomplete. I've seen so many authors abandon their books halfway, but you? You’re one of a kind.
          Please keep going, and all the best!


@WizardlyTalescribe oh thank you so much your words made my day 


Wow! This book is absolutely incredible. I just finished reading Forbes Sister, and the way you’ve crafted the storyline feels so natural. Unlike most fanfictions I've come across—where the episodes are just copied with a few minor changes—your story is completely unique. You’ve reshaped the narrative so seamlessly that everything fits perfectly, without any plot holes.
          I was so emotionally invested—especially when they broke up. And Elijah and Hayley? That moment truly shattered me. But what really hit me even harder was Stefan’s situation. Throughout the story, it was clear that Elijah truly loved Cassie. Yet, when Cassie said, "You keep your promises to everyone but me," it rang so true. Time and time again, Elijah left her heartbroken. Honestly, I still can't wrap my head around how she ended up marrying him in the end.
          And then there's Stefan—who never moved on—while Elijah did, with Hayley, Cassie’s best friend, in her own house. That part really hurt. Moving on isn’t the issue, but the way he did it, disregarding Cassie’s wishes, just made it all the more heartbreaking.


Hi, I'm Mavi, I'm from Brazil, and I came here because I would like permission to translate your stories, I recently read them and loved them


I will give credits and mark you in history, tysmmm!!!


@mavickblack That sounds amazing! I’d love for you to translate my story. As long as you credit me as the original author, I have no problem with it. Thank you for wanting to share my work with more readers!


My Idea 
          Based on this fic
          Escape Rewritten!
          By: T.V programs rule 
          Consider writing a fic like Escape but with The Originals 
          Overprotective Possessive Obsessive Mikaelsons of Hope Who's 15 in Season 2 Daliah determine to kidnap her  Hayley convince Hope to run away with her and Jackson but get caught later by Klaus Elijah


Would you write my fic idea?


@vini_ms I don't have Instagram
            My Idea 
            Based on this fic
            Escape Rewritten!
            By: T.V programs rule 
            Consider writing a fic like Escape but with The Originals 
            Overprotective Possessive Obsessive Mikaelsons of Hope Who's 15 in Season 2 Daliah determine to kidnap her  Hayley convince Hope to run away with her and Jackson but get caught later by Klaus Elijah


@WhimperingGirl244 lets discuss on Instagram. thecouch_reader


Would you write my fic idea?


@hrsh_css What about this idea?
            Buffy Arrow Vampire Diaries crossover
            After Buffy ending 
            Arrow Season 1 Malcolm discovers Thea his daughter 
            Vampire Diaries Klaus discovers Thea his descendants  
            Thea 18 years old has a deadly secret she's is a vampire slayer with a vampire possessive  soulmate oc male forever 21 and is a descendants of Klaus Mikaelson
            Klaus overprotective possessive of Thea a young fun grandfather type


@hrsh_css OK
            24 year old Angel Jenson is from our world 2024 She's reborn in the vampire diaries season 2 episode 8  and is Klaus Mate and is determine to save everyone and is shocked to find out she has overprotective possessive mate
            PLEASE NO swearing or smut