One thing I really didn’t like about Elijah and Cassie’s relationship was how he reacted when Cassie sided with Klaus. It was obvious Klaus’s side was going to win, but Elijah took it so personally—like she had completely betrayed him and broken his trust. I get that he had the right to be upset, but not that upset, because honestly, that was pure hypocrisy.
Elijah has betrayed Cassie’s trust so many times, abandoned her repeatedly, and yet every single time, she forgave him. But when it was the other way around, he couldn’t do the same? Instead, he broke up with her, which led to her sleeping with Joe, and from there, everything just spiraled. But honestly, Elijah had no right to be that mad at her when he himself was so flawed. That part really frustrated me.
And I absolutely hated seeing Cassie cry. From the very beginning, it felt like everyone was just using her for her powers—even Elijah. At the end of the day, if he had to choose, he would always pick his family—the Mikaelsons, Klaus, Hope, Hayley—over Cassie, every single time. Everyone else was a priority, but not her. And yet, they all expected her to be endlessly forgiving and supportive. That part just didn’t sit right with me.