
You should soooo read my story. I need your expert advice and criticism :)


Sorry I took so long to actually get around to reading it, but it's really good so far. There are a few spelling or grammar errors, but the story so far seems interesting 


Yeah, I'll check it out!


You stopped writing?


@alexmw98 that's awesome! I've been meaning to get writing more


@vinsoccer yeah, i just started making time for it


So far, I haven't written anything worthwhile, and no time to write. You still writing?


I have been around babies all my life. I just wasn't able to care for them like I am now. People say it is easy to take care of kids. They are sooo wrong. It is really hard. Especially when Aubrey comes up to me and yells my name and tugs my hand while  I am taking care of another child, so yes. It is aggravating. But my sister and mom helps. So it does get easier. The only baby that will come to me if not her mom or my mom, is Jo. Her real name is Caroline but we call her jo, it's her middle name and easier to say. And in my opinion she is the best child for me. She gets iffy when you set her down when she is tired but all babies do that. So taking care of children is fun in some ways but sometimes I just want to sit and relax but no. Tori needs a diaper change, Jo Jo needs attention, Can you watch Maddie? Aubrey needs someone to play with since Elissa, (My lil sis) Doesnt want to play with her. So at my bubbies it is really hard. You don't get brakes. So I just forget about them until all of the little monsters are asleep. 


We were going to my grandma's funeral in Liverpool and it was like 2 hours and i got hot and I got really sick. I can't be in the car in the morning for that long. Especially hot. I start to feel woozy and my stomach and head start to hurt. Tight spaces and heat are not friends of mine. I read on my kindle and I'm not allowed to bring it to family events such as today. Happy New years. Like I said I won't have it until I get home.


I'm like ok this isn't Barney we don't need to hug and act like we are all the hug type, the only humans I like to be close to is my four BABY cousins. Aubrey, Caroline, Madalin, and Victoria. Thats it. And the are tiny so they don't take up my space. My family is the type of family that likes to do dog piles. I am always the second to the bottom. Every time we do it I refuse then my family makes me do it. And if i say I'm claustrophobic they won't believe me. They won't even let me think about myself being chubby. And I hate it. I  claustrophobic. Don't tel me I'm not. I start to get sweaty and my heart starts beating really fast and the only thing that keeps me calm is reading. But I'm not allowed to bring it in the car. 


Same here, I just don't like coats. I feel trapped. I am pretty sure I am claustrophobic. I don't like tight spaces. I don't like elevators. Or tiny cars and coats are tight spaces. That's the only reason I don't like below freezing. The coats I wear have to be like a big marshmallows. I love being in the cold because when you get home you know it will be warm and I love being numb. Numbness is an amazing feeling for me. Get another reason I like the cold.