
@4everFighting Haha really? My bias in Shinee is Taemin (obviously) and I don't really resemble the members of Shineebut if I had to choose, I'd choose a mixture (LOL) of Onew and Taemin:)


AWWW i can relate to your about me so much!
          Go EXO and SHINEE!
          My friends a massive MVP but I'm always switching. My first bias was Jonghyun but then it switched to Taemin (cannot resist him) but lately its been Minho for a long time. After watching his drama's and every vid I can find of my shinee boys, Minho is just perfect :D. I think I'm like key in some ways and Jonghyun in a way too. Can be a diva sometimes XD.
          Who do you think you resemble?