
sage, the book that made me feel alive, the one that sparked something in me, the book that is indescribable in the bestest way possible, the book that IS NOT JUST A BOOK.
           there is nothing more that i could ever possibly ask and search for more than to be able to read this book again and relive all of it that i felt ALL THE MOMENTS the joy, the tears, the anger, when i read your book, V. 
          long story short, V, i found your book again from my old acc, and dare i say that when i FINALLY was able to read the last few chapters of Sage (after 1 and a half year of searching and longing to find and read it) , slowly, piece by piece, i felt like i was being stitched back up. like the broken pieces of a vase was being glued together. 
          it was fate. and i believe it.
          i dont know how and why your books arent published and why u are inactive. But, i hope, i truly hope that you are well. that you will show up and be back soon, V. 
          you are not to blame for anything. but i will say, without your books, with me not seeing you doing what you love( which i do believe that u do love to write), i feel somehow... empty.
          maybe its all part of a plan (..your plan maybe?) but i am looking forward to hear from you and to be able to read your works again 
          all the love, B.


I just came to know that Sage isn’t available anymore!!! Nor I find the author on social media (Twitter was @violetcosby) I’m so sad!!!


I don’t know if this is the right profile or if you’ll see this but your writing was genuinely beautiful in Sage. It was written better than most books and anyone o spoke to that knew it said the same. Their story was beautiful Violet and I don’t know what exactly led you to delete everything but I would please massively reconsider because I would honestly pay you to read them again. I know book 2 wasn’t done but it was so far from Duplicity and anyone who said that it was nothing but small minded and immature. Sage was a stand alone piece of art, those characters resonated with readers in such a personal and intimate way. Please bring them back  I hope you’re well and happy with what you’re doing now.  Please please consider reposting Sage and like I said I will happy buy a private copy of it from you if you’re willing to do so 


I would also die at the opportunity to purchase a private copy of Sage - hands down phenomenal writing


I second this - I have been really wanting to re read it and would absolutely love it if I could buy a copy off of you 