
Hello everyone! It has been a LOOOOOONG time since I've really been active on here, wow hahah How is everybody doing? Is the pandemic kicking everyone's butt just like it is doing mine? I am quite done with the whole thing tbh....
          	Anyhow, I just wanted to come and say hi and for those of you who are interested (not any I believe lol) I just wanted to say quickly that I am working on something new! I am not putting any pressure on myself to make it perfect or anything (which I normally do because I am overly perfectionistic lololol), buuuuuuut I am going to enter it in the Open Novella Contest 2021!!! I have been working on the story for a few weeks now and it just happened to fit perfectly with some prompts of ONC4 so I just couldn't resist. It is a period piece, with some modern twists and stuff and I am actually really excited about it! It's different from what I normally write - which is fantasy - and a lot smaller, but i still think it could become something cool!
          	Well, that was it for now! I do hope y'all are doing okay and just keep on going! Don't kick yourself if anything is going different than that you wanted it to go, or if you just aren't doing great on any aspect (school, mental health, social life etc.) we are all human and this pandemic is the devil. Just do want feels good and life your life (within the restrictions ofc ;) ), everything will still be there when the pandemic is over. 
          	You can do this.
          	much love, 
          	Freya x


@Slickdude347 I hope you'll enjoy it!! X


Hello everyone! It has been a LOOOOOONG time since I've really been active on here, wow hahah How is everybody doing? Is the pandemic kicking everyone's butt just like it is doing mine? I am quite done with the whole thing tbh....
          Anyhow, I just wanted to come and say hi and for those of you who are interested (not any I believe lol) I just wanted to say quickly that I am working on something new! I am not putting any pressure on myself to make it perfect or anything (which I normally do because I am overly perfectionistic lololol), buuuuuuut I am going to enter it in the Open Novella Contest 2021!!! I have been working on the story for a few weeks now and it just happened to fit perfectly with some prompts of ONC4 so I just couldn't resist. It is a period piece, with some modern twists and stuff and I am actually really excited about it! It's different from what I normally write - which is fantasy - and a lot smaller, but i still think it could become something cool!
          Well, that was it for now! I do hope y'all are doing okay and just keep on going! Don't kick yourself if anything is going different than that you wanted it to go, or if you just aren't doing great on any aspect (school, mental health, social life etc.) we are all human and this pandemic is the devil. Just do want feels good and life your life (within the restrictions ofc ;) ), everything will still be there when the pandemic is over. 
          You can do this.
          much love, 
          Freya x


@Slickdude347 I hope you'll enjoy it!! X


          Hi everyone! I'm sorry I've been inactive lately, but my mental health has been rocky again because the starting of the new school year so I'm just taking it slow with everything to try and keep myself sane and not push myself too much. Updates will be irregular but I will will will be uploading some 'Relieken der Zeven Zonden' soon when I feel a little bit more stable and feel like I have found my rythm. When I feel like this social media just makes me feel even worse so I really try and focus on myself outside of the media. For my reviews: i'm going to put all of it on hold for now with no period of knowing when I will start again. I'm sorry if anyone is waiting, but I'm just really not feeling it to force myself to read and write when I have zero motivation :/ 
          I appreciate anyone and everyone who has been commenting and voting for 'Relieken' or just commenting on these updates! Thank you <3333
          Freya x


@SongWritesStories thank you <333 I do want to try and get back into writing Relieken since I just love it so much and know I get enjoyment out of it!


          Er gaat nu zo'n Prachtig Persoon Award rond op Wattpad. Normaal gesproken doe ik niet echt aan dit soort dingen mee, maar ik besloot het deze keer toch te doen en jouw dit berichtje te sturen als teken dat jij ook zo'n award verdient (het is een enkel berichtje, geen echt award). 
          Je bent een geweldig persoon, met geweldige verhalen en ik ben zo ontzettend blij dat ik je heb leren kennen hier op Wattpad <33 Daarnaast heb je me heel erg geholpen met Feniks in de As en ik ben je daar echt ontzettend dankbaar voor <3


@Hummingbird246 Awwhhhh mijn hart dreigt te exploderen <333 Ik ben ook zo blij dat je mij een paar maanden geleden een berichtje stuurde, Wattpad is zo veel beter geworden met jou erbij <3333 Ik zou het niet anders willen hebben <3 En ik wil je altijd blijven helpen met Feniks in de As!! Ik hou van brainstorm sessies heheh ;) 
            Je bent geweldig, nu zou ik jou zo'n berichtje/award moeten sturen <33333


          Hallo hallo mooie mensen! Deel 1 van hoofdstuk 5 van 'Relieken der Zeven Zonden' staat officieel online!! langzaam maar zeker begint Eden haar leven onrustig te worden.... 
          Ga gauw lezen om uit te vinden waarom! 

          Freya X


@ SongWritesStories  awh dankje!! Ik hoop dat je het leuk blijft vinden! ♡


@ Hummingbird246  heb je wel extra veel om te lezen ;) en ik kijk uit naar de spam, hou je vooral niet in ;)) hahaha 


@violetsintherain Ahh help, ik moet hoofdstuk vier nog lezen! Oké, komt goed. Een deze dagen ga ik het weer even helemaal inhalen ;) Je merkt het wel aan de spam die je gaat krijgen :P


          Hey leukerds! 'Relieken der Zeven Zonden' is net toegevoegd aan de leeslijst van de @CommunityTeam waar die wordt uitgelicht! Hier ben ik echt super blij mee!! Dank jullie wel!
          Freya x


@violetsintherain Huh, hier had ik geen melding van gekregen.... Maar: Gefeliciteerd!!! Echt ontzettend leuk! :D


          En het tweede deel van hoofdstuk 4 staat online! Misschien niet het meest spannende hoofdstuk, maar zeker de moeite waard om te lezen! 

          Freya x


@ SongWritesStories  klinkt goed! Ik ben benieuwd wat je denkt :D