
Low key just vibing atm lmao, I have so much to give to my little fictional worlds and I love them so much but my little brain just has nothing for me atm  I wish I had the opportunity to take a creative writing class in high school but alas, only so much room in one schedule - however it paid off taking AP classes since I got a 4 on Lang and a 5 on Lit so… ‍♀️ At least I did take art and orchestra, those classes made high school bearable fr 


Low key just vibing atm lmao, I have so much to give to my little fictional worlds and I love them so much but my little brain just has nothing for me atm  I wish I had the opportunity to take a creative writing class in high school but alas, only so much room in one schedule - however it paid off taking AP classes since I got a 4 on Lang and a 5 on Lit so… ‍♀️ At least I did take art and orchestra, those classes made high school bearable fr 


Soo I have another interesting book idea and I’ll be posting passages of me trying out characters and trying to develop them and figure them out and such! I’ll still be worked on Wild Plains but I will also be messing around with this on the side!! I posted a “chapter” in my short stories booklet, go ahead and check it out!!


Eeyyy somehow I managed to post another chapter in less than six months  Go read Chapter 21 now!!! 
          I’m starting college soon so I’m not sure if this frequency will continue but hopefully I can get out a few more chapters here and there during the semester. Love y’all, and thank you again for helping get this story to 250 reads!! Til next time! 
          - Vio


Sorry for being so inactive lately  I’ve been so busy with work, school, etc recently. I want to continue writing soon but I don’t know if it will happen in a timely manner  If I do have any fans out there, please know that I WILL pick it up at some point and do plan on getting some writing done tonight. Maybe I’ll even post soon?? But anyway, thanks for all of those who have read my books!! I will try to come back soon.