virtuous90 Check it out guys. I've updated


Hey dear, I want to say a big thank you for choosing to follow me. I really appreciate it and I'll definitely follow back. If it's not too much of a chore, could you please vote for my book titled, "Recipe for disaster?" It would really mean a lot to me.
          By the way, your look really good.


@Val_Good Thank you! Thank you! I'm blushing right now! 
            I'd vote for your book,but you have to please vote for me toooo


@Val_Good Or should I say your agbada looks good.


3) Descriptiveness: Sometimes I feel you're too hard on description and sometimes too soft too. Create a balance, when you're describing Lauren (I want to believe she's your main character, but I'm not sure coz I'm been seeing Leah in place of Lauren and Lauren in place of Leah, it's confusing) tell us what she wears, how she walks don't let her just go straight and tell us 'I'm a tomboy' let us see it. Then there's how you describe Marla, I feel it's too harsh, considering you're putting her out to be fat, there's a lot of fat people who suffer insecurities because of their weight and if I was overweight, I'm not sure seeing Marla's description would make me feel any better about myself. Be subtle about how hideous she actually looks.
          4) Then like I mentioned before, it's confusing to see Leah's name where there's supposed to be Lauren and vice versa, same goes for seeing Andre where there's supposed to be Xander. I'd strongly advice that you read over your chapters and edit them to taste before finally publishing them.
          All of that being said, your story is beautiful, I already like the plot but I feel that you can do better with it. I hope you take this for what it is, constructive criticism. Do stay safe 


@o_jersey oh! I never knew it had all these issues. I'll do just that. Stay safe


Hi Urhobo girl, I'm from Delta state too but not Urhobo.
          Anyway, I'm chatting you up about your book which by the way, is an awesome story but (considering this is me criticizing your work constructively there's going to be a but ☺️). I'm just going to go into it;
          I've noticed some things about your work, some things that I as a reader, find quite unamusing. From my point of view, I feel that your story is;
          1)Fast paced: That's actually the first thing that got my attention, your work seems too busy, there's so much happening at a time, within a paragraph, there's like three major actions happening all at once. I feel that you should ease into it, let us know your characters well, I think one of the qualities of a good story is character development. Explain to us who these people are, let us get to know them and fall in love with them.
          More importantly, try to be calm when you're writing (if you were not before), I know how that rush of wanting to get everything out before it flies away feels like, but collect those thoughts and then arrange them, I don't know if that makes sense but I hope you understand.
          2) Use of weak verbs: I've noticed that too and it's understandable, up until like last week I didn't know what the difference was between weak verbs and strong verbs, but thankfully I do now and I'd love you to know too.
          Take for example, these two statements; "I saw what he had done and I cried, I couldn't believe it", and "I walked into the room, staring at the horror that was before me, I couldn't believe my eyes but the tears that were beginning to sting the back of my eyes and cloud my sight were enough to confirm to me that it was real",
          I don't know about you, but I'd prefer to read the second statement in a book . I think strong verbs help your readers feel more of the emotion that you're trying to convey, writing and reading is a process and it takes a lot of digestion, so just let you readers hunger for more and feel what you felt while writing.


@virtuous90 You're welcome 


@o_jersey wow....I'm grateful,thanks for kindly criticising. This is all I've been waiting for,and I appreciate it