for the last time , we are NOT - oh . sorry . i thought you were natsuki . would you like to come in ?

* they turn their attention back to yuri . karma is rage , balled up into a person , and yet yuri seems to calm them - was this what friendship was ? true and unyielding in the face of anything ? THEY HAD NEVER HAD FRIENDSHIP BEFORE . * i love the collection . * black eyes examine the blades , tail curling around some of them to pick it up , before their attention is caught by yuri's declaration . karma takes the knife gently , admiring the craftsmanship that clearly went into it . * thank you . really . i appreciate it more than you know .

* yuri notices the other flinch - mouth opening for apologies to almost immediately tumble out ( and they would have been ceaseless ) had it not been for karma stating yuri had a collection . the purple haired girl nods , pride written over her features as she places the mug down ; fingers nimbly opening her bag as she begins laying her knives out on the table . * i believe i have precisely what you're looking for right .. * a moment passes , fingers somehow elegantly trailing over each knife before finding her desired choice , lips curling into a gentle smile . * / here / . it's all yours . ( @fatalistics )

* the mothers part hits something within them - xylona had had mothers too . their faces when karma had to tell them their daughter was dead ... they flinch for just a moment . * you have a collection . * interesting . they keep note of it , before rising to look at the detailed display of weapons on the wall of the apartment , hanging next to monika's polaroids of the literature club . * an arabic style knife .jambiya .