(no one is gonna see it anyways, so why not!)
*Dark and Soul*
Sitting alone sometimes evokes some things in you;
like some unknown amusing facts about oneself.
I grasped a fact too –
I love dark (black),
but not the one whole pitch black,
the one with a hint of white in its light.
No, it's not grey.
It's dark.
Like the night's dark sky.
Like the night.
It attracts me, summons my attention,
seeks my insights.
I love dark,
It mirrors my insides;
my thoughts and my plights.
No, it's not depressive.
It's serene.
Like the night's silence.
Like the night.
It urges me to reflect, to interact,
diminishes my soul's plights.
I love dark.
Bad omen? Not to me.
Weird obsession? Maybe,
but who'll make this soul understand that?
For what amusing I uncovered is:
It's not always the dark that dwells for my attention –
my soul summons it just as much.
*© Shivangi Pandey*