So apparently it’s been 5 years since I joined Wattpad..? Wow I’m kind of getting old. Most of the followers I have on here are probably dead but anyway here’s what I’ve been doing in the meantime: - After writing my first novel I was on a roll! So I did NaNoWriMo again...and failed - Then I tried again...and failed again so I gave up - I went through a lot of crap and didn’t write anything but edgy poetry for many many years - But recently I’ve been very inspired to get back into writing as a hobby! - Then a few weeks ago I looked back at all of my old writing notes and decided I’m going to write every single one of them. Just to get it out. So that’s what I’m doing. It’s mostly going to be unedited short stories until April and July (when I’m planning to do NaNoWriMo), and I’m definitely going to fail and it will definitely take longer than I expected. But I want to keep up writing because I remember how much I used to enjoy it. So look forward to it I guess!!