
I- I posted another old chapter a sec ago... hehe 


Okay, so I’ve been getting some new followers/readers recently, and I’d just like to say thanks :).
          So to catch you up on some things, I hate the first like ten chapters of It all Started with a Cup of Coffee. 
          So if you start reading it and you’re like EWWWW please just give it a chance there are a couple gems hidden in the book.
          But everything is all good because yesterday or whenever I posted last, I finally posted the chapters I’ve been waiting to post for... forever.
          Not even joking I wrote “I love you Vanessa” a month after writing the first chapter, so yeah it’s been a while.
          Yeah so please give the book a chance if you hate it, cus dude there’s a lot to come, trust me I’ve written so much like you don’t even know, but it’s all separated out so you’ll just have to wait and see. 
          K love ya byeee :)))


Hey I know that its rude to ask, but could you maybe check out my book called the game of marriage with no sight? It would mean a lot to me! Thanks in advance! ❤ p.s. it's a new book so there is only one chapter rn! Happy new years!


Hey no problem, I’ll check it out rn : ) 
            Happy new year 