
Hi lovely sweet followers. ❤ Been a while, hasn't it? I thought I'd give you an update to let you guys know where I've been and to reassure you that my Buckin story, Like an Open Book (LAOB), hasn't been abandoned.
          	This year has been a whirlwind. Lots of stuff has happened or is still happening to me. Especially the few upcoming months will be quite challenging for me, which will require me to take some steps back, recharge and be patient and kind to myself. I'm alright, no worries! But I wanted to let you guys know that in this time, I can't come back to LAOB just yet. I do however fully intend to do so when I'll be able to again, and already have an idea in my mind of how to do it.
          	Should I ever want to abandon LAOB (which, like I said, is not the plan right now), I would definitely tell you guys first. In the meantime, I hope you're all okay, I want to thank my new followers and I wish you great Coldplay times. ❤ See you in the future!


Hi lovely sweet followers. ❤ Been a while, hasn't it? I thought I'd give you an update to let you guys know where I've been and to reassure you that my Buckin story, Like an Open Book (LAOB), hasn't been abandoned.
          This year has been a whirlwind. Lots of stuff has happened or is still happening to me. Especially the few upcoming months will be quite challenging for me, which will require me to take some steps back, recharge and be patient and kind to myself. I'm alright, no worries! But I wanted to let you guys know that in this time, I can't come back to LAOB just yet. I do however fully intend to do so when I'll be able to again, and already have an idea in my mind of how to do it.
          Should I ever want to abandon LAOB (which, like I said, is not the plan right now), I would definitely tell you guys first. In the meantime, I hope you're all okay, I want to thank my new followers and I wish you great Coldplay times. ❤ See you in the future!


Hi lovely peeps! Wanted to let you know that, while yes, LAOB hasn't been updated in a while, I haven't A) abandoned it nor B) lost the motivation for it. I've just been really busy (real life stuff) and you can have my promise that I will never abandon it, because this story and its universe is just too important to me. ❤ Thanks for the love, even to this day- it warms my heart. Hopefully see you soon!


@twistedxylogic That's really sweet to read! And motivating. Hopefully I'll get back to them soon


@vividloudnwonderful I'm so glad to read this!! I found myself checking every now and then the notification panel, waiting for an update of your story to come up. I'm eager to know what's gonna happen between those two! 


          This is an English phrase that is used to describe a person who is very open and not hiding anything. It can be used to describe a person or something about a person. For instance: "He is like an open book."
          A variation of the "open book" concept is used when a person is not saying something, but a person can still "read" what they are not saying in other ways.''


this message may be offensive
@ExpectoProspekt Are you trying to kill me?




@ExpectoProspekt  thanks and you are welcome it's good to find people like you :)


@LSSAFR You're welcome! I finally had time to look at some of my followers profiles- I'm sorry it took so long! Thank you so much for following me back then. <3


I'm really intrigued about your new status...


@ExpectoProspekt gggggg,'re killing me!


Are you now? That's interesting, very interesting indeed... I can assure you that you're not the only one. A certain music journalist is too.... Hmhm, yes, yes indeed...


@LiquidDreams Oh my gosh, it's okay, silly. ❤ Awww, you're so sweet, thank you for this message. It made me smile. <3 I'm sorry about this late reply to your reply, I didn't have the time to write something back. :o Unfortunately, I haven't been able to start writing my fics. January will be a terribly busy month. :( But hopefully, I'll be able to write something soon. I've been writing a lot of stuff in my head already. Now, I only have to put it down on paper, hehe.
          And Gravity. Seriously. I'm so hooked on it. It makes me cry, smile, squeal, fangirl and dafjcdghcvchc ughhh you're such a great writer, man. I'm eagerly (read: checking my phone for updates omg) awaiting the next chapters. 


Oh, don't worry about it! :) It's good that the ideas are there in your head. Putting them into paper is the tricky part, I've been there!!! I'll be weaiting for them whenever you can post them, don't worry. I shall be patient! 
            Thank you for your kind words on Gravity :3 ♥ I'm really, really grateful you take the time to read it and to comment on it, really!! Thank you so much!


@LiquidDreams Thank you so much. That means a lot to me, you don't know how much. :') I'll try and write soon. Got some great ideas, Buckin of course. <3 Haven't seen this plot executed before, so incredibly excited.


Oh, I'm sorry, I don't know why I had not seen your reply before! Terribly late, terribly sorry about it! So how are the stories coming along? :) I'm really happy to see you so excited about it and I can't wait to read this original story you have in mind! :)