
Eng: Good evening! I hope you all are doing well and that your day was wonderful!✨️.
          	I just wanted to mention that I deleted the story  'He's My New Boss' I don't know, I didn't liked it‍♀️.
          	But I will think about another story so be prepared .


Eng: Good evening! I hope you all are doing well and that your day was wonderful!✨️.
          I just wanted to mention that I deleted the story  'He's My New Boss' I don't know, I didn't liked it‍♀️.
          But I will think about another story so be prepared .


Hi Leute, ich hoffe, es geht euch allen gut und das euer Tag bisher gut verlief✨️.
          Ich wollte mich nur für eure Unterstützung bedanken, ich schätze es sehr, dass jemand meine Geschichten liest, ich war immer sehr unsicher und bezweifelte, dass jemand sie lesen würde und es motiviert mich immer mehr zu schreiben wenn ich sehe wie die leserzahlen steigen, es mag zwar komisch klingen doch ich schätze die kleinsten Dinge und somit auch dies.
          Vielen Dank 
          Engl: Hii, I hope you're all doing well and that your day has gone well so far ✨️.
          I just wanted to say thank you for your support, I really appreciate that someone reads my stories, I was always very unsure and doubted that anyone would read them. 
          Thank you very much


Guten Abend meine Lieben, ich hoffe es geht euch allen gut und das euer Tag gut verlief✨️.
          Es tut mir wirklich sehr leid das es so ruhig im moment ist, ich habe sehr viel um die Ohren aber nichts desto trotz werde ich versuchen so regelmäßig wie es geht ein update zu machen von den Geschichten✨️.
          ENGL: Good evening my dear ones, I hope you are all well and that your day went well✨️.
          I'm really sorry that it's so quiet at the moment, I have a lot around my ears, but nothing despite that I'm going to try as regularly as it goes to make an update on the stories ✨️.