For anyone who reads or has read My Best Friend is A What????, I have begun rewriting it in a third person point of view! Right now just chapter 2 is up (I replaced the original) but I will work on Chapter One and replace each chapter as I go!
@FireyCool its ok i figured my message wasn't sent the right way. but it actually doesn't have a name yet. im still trying to think of one. but i think the first 2 chapters are up. it's just called story for now.
@viviloves2write sorry for then late reply. there just were some problems in my net connection :)
of course I would read it. :) what's the title of the story ???
i love ur story 'my best friend is a what????'. its just amazing!
are you planing on making a sequel ? i'd love to read what happens next in Addi's life.
@FireyCool that is actually a great suggestion! you're right i did notice that he was like so absent at the time she discovered Colton. i even felt bad for him lol. but i will definitely fix that. i am always looking for tips and suggestions to improve.
@viviloves2write then it would be good if you show her a little bit closer to Eli. when Colten shows up, its like Eli dosent even exists for some time. she totally forgets about him.
just a suggetion you know. i enjoyed reading every part though