
HII. so im thingking of remaking my stories, like the two books in my profile. i just dont know why, i felt like it. im also changing my display but not my user! i hope you guys can remember me, or not i dont know, but yeah. my stories doesnt satisfy me yet, so please bear with me 


halooo, izinn promosi ceritaa kuu yaa terimakasiiii (≧▽≦)

          "Haii, kok lo sendiri aja?" 
          Minho terkejut ketika ada seseorang yang duduk di sebelahnya dan mengajaknya berbicara
          "Gue Han jisung temen sekelas lo, tau kan?"
          Percakapan mereka hanya sampai disitu karena setelah itu bel masuk sudah berbunyi
          Dan Minho sadar jika saat itu ia jatuh cinta ke Han jisung.


HII. so im thingking of remaking my stories, like the two books in my profile. i just dont know why, i felt like it. im also changing my display but not my user! i hope you guys can remember me, or not i dont know, but yeah. my stories doesnt satisfy me yet, so please bear with me