I think it's time I announce this: I would no longer like to be associated with Cookie Run. While it's being boycotted and widespread in our community, DEVSIS continues to post racist trailers and updates DURING RAMADAN on their socials. This is genuinely my final straw-- I've been a MilkYam shipper since the beginning, written thousands upon thousands of words, and for smaller, non-popular pairs- DEVSIS could care less, just kidding, were fed once a month and rarely see our characters. "Those are sides" SO ARE WILD AND CRUNCHY, ESPRESSO AND MADEL??? They've just gotten a spotlight, and I WISH they could play more relevant roles, but they don't get traction, so Espressline gets their thousandth d!-ck ride. You could imagine I don't have a fun time here, but racism is just the cherry on top. I might as well re-create the characters and make them my own.
Please, for the love of the witches and the b1t--ches that are now the ovenbreak team, don't play the game... you will be seeing the new milkyam soon, taking name recommendations.
Goodbye, Cookie Runners.