
hello everyone, it’s been a good two years since i’ve posted on here! ive been writing a lot!! but it’s here and there moment where i have a story i start and never finish but i just posted chapter one of my new story called venomous i hope my brain doesn’t give up on me and this story flops like ever other drafts i have ! 


hello everyone, it’s been a good two years since i’ve posted on here! ive been writing a lot!! but it’s here and there moment where i have a story i start and never finish but i just posted chapter one of my new story called venomous i hope my brain doesn’t give up on me and this story flops like ever other drafts i have ! 


so I'm working on chapter 2 of possessive I might have it done by tomorrow idk yet, but you all probably wondering why I'm active again well I bought myself a laptop and I'm happy to say ill be active on here again!! :)


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i honestly hate the fact that you people judge others for writing in korean .. like BITCH WTF it makes me mad because i’m a writer who doesn’t always write in korean it’s here and their words not cringy words tho and y’all thinking this bitch obsessed and wanting to be warship like fucking god ! NO MY FCKING GOD I RESPECT THE KOREAN RACE AND CULTURE IM NOT TRYING OR WANTING TO BE KOREAN! I LOVE BEING HISPANIC AND I LOVE MY CULTURE AND SKIN COLOR IF YOU KEEP ASKING ME IF IM A KOREABOO IMA TELL YOU TO SUCK MY DICK BECAUSE ITS REALLY GETTING ON MY FCKING BOOBS!! 


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also i’m slacking on TLLB cuz i’ve been a lazy shit head soo sowwyy :,) but idk when i’ll finish it tbfh like dndndjdksks i’m still writing chapter 13 ,, we’ll see what happens ;; but i’ve even coming up with other shit i’m just like bitch djsksksk why are you like this ?? 


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ima put something out there; yes some of my stories are a bit cringy due to some korean slang and a lot of sexual shit but don’t come up in my account and commenting that i’m a fucking koreaboo becuase i will pop off on your ass 100% i write my stories with korean slang because first of all bitch i can so bye, second of all if you don’t want to read half korean stories then don’t read my stories SIMPLY! not meaning to be rude it’s really gets on my boobs tbfh like hajima ugh ! okay now byeeeeeeeeee