
this message may be offensive
So, someone says that I'm such an annoying person only because I love BTS after them. Okay I know that but what's the problem? I've never ever insult them before. I just only have eyes on another group because at that time the group not really popular and I love all of them equally. And they said I only started to love BTS after they became popular. For fuck's sake I never knew that they were popular before I'm into them! Just please, if you're real Army or real kpopers, you should not judge other people. You should feel thankful to them as person. Yeah, if you feel grudge or whatever, just say to them kindly. Not with hatred or anything. It's only make people see you as solo stan or anything than that. I'm so sorry. T.T


this message may be offensive
So, someone says that I'm such an annoying person only because I love BTS after them. Okay I know that but what's the problem? I've never ever insult them before. I just only have eyes on another group because at that time the group not really popular and I love all of them equally. And they said I only started to love BTS after they became popular. For fuck's sake I never knew that they were popular before I'm into them! Just please, if you're real Army or real kpopers, you should not judge other people. You should feel thankful to them as person. Yeah, if you feel grudge or whatever, just say to them kindly. Not with hatred or anything. It's only make people see you as solo stan or anything than that. I'm so sorry. T.T


Yeah so today me and my friend went to the City to try searching some part time job. It's so freaking tired. I thought I can't walk anymore. I couldn't feel my leg that time.  we went so many shop and market. We put our names, fill the letter that they gave us. And after we went back home. My friend calling me and told me that she already got the job. I'm so excited for her. Like seriously. But I couldn't help but felt sad too. Yeah, I still didn't get any call but! I will make sure I get one. ♥ I know I can! Wish me luck guys! 


I have something to say. Thank you for everyone who had done so much for me. I really appreciate it. And I want to thanks for all the authors that I read their books. You guys already do the best and I really love your story. Happy New Year for all of you! ♥


Thank chu for voting~


@Sofieeeeaaaa so you want to text me or nah? im waiting.. hehehe


*blushes* shh >.> as soon as I came to yr wall I was cho fwend u dunt even need to ask ^^ 


@Sofieeeeaaaa you're so cute! you make me want to know you better.. so.. do you want to be ny new friend??