⚠︎︎If you have ever taken a blade to that beautiful body of yours, skipped a meal even once on purpose, cried yourself to sleep because you weren't 'good enough', tried any form of self harm thought of or attempted to take your own life copy this and reply see how many of us are going through the same thing ⚠︎︎

@snnernme Oh, thats actually really good. Please don't suffocate yourself with your emotions its better if you let it out. It helped me too. But, dad's are like that. Like, my dad throw a drunk tantrum about me science tantrum, maths homework, etc etc which was days not long ago, but we were able to joke about such random things last night. It actually gets better. But I really hope you get stronger and healthy, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally too :)

@_Error101_ dont worry, i understand i was younger when i tried too but it was just because of my dead beat manipulative dad. now that im older i understand a bit more.

@snnernme I have done the blade but is was just a Lil scratch, even with a needle once. I admit I only eat my lunch at school for an entire day, and I also admit I cried when I talk to my mum from another state, for my alcoholic dad, my unhealthy grandparents and my studies. But the 'take down your life' part is just too much, stop thinking that. Just like I did, don't be ashamed to talk out yo problems, my bsf and I done that all the daym time, what we need most was someone. And I'm willing to snitch my dad's phone on early mornings to log on my Wattpad acc and check my notification to check on ya