
thank u for commenting <3

i'm great! i felt a lot better knowing that i somehow passed my exams HAHAHAHAHAHAH by the way i'm really sorry chingu :( i deleted some of my lyric books and i can't make a shinee lyric book because as you know i'm very lazy and busy at the same time :3 and maybe because it's too many TT__TT but i assure you bts lyrics will be posted soon! i hope so HAHAHAHAH have a nice day~

@DOgether yeah......i ll cheer u up ★_★ u can do it.....take ur tym c u soon.... :3 :3 :3

@vno_KaiGrl thank you very much chingu!! (: yes, please anticipate for bts lyrics HAHAHAHAHAH hope i could update/publish it soon >o< nado saranghaeeee~ <3

@DOgether my wishes tat u passed ur exm....and its okay no prblm.....as long as u do exo lyrics its ok :) and yeah shinee is too many........and i undrstnd u tat u r bc :* Waiting fr bts book ♡_♡ Sarang chingu........hv grt day too :*

chinguuuuuuuu~ long time no conversatioooons lol. how's life? :>

@DOgether hey chingu~ah !!!!!! Yeah its been long day....... im good thnku !!! hbu????? Hwz ur lyf :) :)

thank you very much chinguuuuu!! if you have any questions or requests just don't hesitate to post a message on my message board ^^ again, thank yooooou~

@DOgether yeah sure...... ll b in touch ^^ ^^ and thnk u too fr considering me as ur frnd :3 :3

it's just that i can't share it with you guys because it's not in english :< but i don't know anything!? there's new songs!? gaah jinjja i'm not really updateeeed!! >< i'll try my very best not to be lazy though HAHAHAHAHAH because sometimes i retype it word by word, it depends when i cannot see any lyrics in websites. so i have no choice but to type it from youtube TT ^ TT yes i will update it as i can ^^ kamsa chinguuuu

@DOgether even i too not tat much updated nw a days nly day before i came to knw these sngs.........and take ur tym to update......u r most welcom :) :) :)

ne, give it a try!! ^^ halo halo ng exo is just a book of jokes, memes, imagines, and craziness of otps in exo i created/started since 2015 but, unfortunately, in tagalog :< i'm so sooooorry that you'll be unable to read it ><

@DOgether and thr s a sng called "saving santa" sung by exo suho......... i jus saw in a website.......... and also a song called "prayer" sung by exo kai.....i.dono wat r these songs of.......i dono whether its any movie or drama songs .......i jus saw in website.....if u ever com acrosa these songs u do update.... : ) : ) : )

@DOgether no noo no need to b sry.............its okay if u feel comfy in ur lang..........tats no prblm ^^ ^^ and did u update in exo lyrics "chanyeol's hug me" song??!!!!

well i haven't finished reading it yet TT ^ TT soooo busy in school and sometimes i just sleep aaaall day. but don't say your unlucky because of your language! at least you tried your best in communicating with us ^^ i'm not really sure if she'll translate it, but she has plans i guess. try to read her sweventeen [survival w/seventeen], maybe you'll know some of it's members better OuO

@DOgether ahh yeah i hv added swseventeen in my list so i ll gv a try to it one day ^^ if nly fr not english im unable to communicate wit u guys...... :) :) :) im happy tat i hv english knowledge ;p ;p ;p And wats tat "halo halo ng exo" in ur work list???!!!! Wats abot it....!!!! Since its in ur lang im unable to undrstnd it.......im......im jus curious abot the book........... tatsy i asked.. :) :) :)

i feel you! my friends talk about other groups and i was like who the eff is who? it's so confusiiiiing! but i managed HAHAHAHAHAH in seventeen, i only know scoups, jeonghan, vernon, joshua, and sometimes messed up with woozi and hoshi >__< but i don't know them like i do in exo huehuehueh. so about survival with exo i hope so too! maybe she'll translate it in english once its completed. and my mother language is filipino that's why i can understand swexo [survival w/exo] very well. and kyungsoooooooooooo's mine kekeke~

@DOgether really ♡_♡ ♡_♡ will the author translate swexo in english!!!!!!! Jinja!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoooowhooooooo im waitng ★_★ ★_★ ★_★

@DOgether yeah i too lyk joshua vernon hoshi and s.coups......u finshed reading swexo!!?? Woahh"!!!!! Tat grt really.... *_* Unluckly my mother language s Tamil n i knw English:( :( and yeah kyungsoo is nly urs.... >_< >_< >_<